Respect, Care
Our mission is to produce the best high workability products on the market that use natural raw materials.
Even more important: we want to convey our philosophy of high product quality, but with full respect for nature.
The materials used in this sector remain applied for decades in the environment in which we live or work, for this very reason we are committed to producing low-emission materials, both during production and during the life of the applied material itself.
We choose, consciously
Respecting our planet is a fundamental commitment for Edmec.
It requires responsibility and the ability to make concrete choices to make safe, reliable, long-lasting products with the least impact on the environment available to designers, retailers, companies, applicators and clients.
It is a path that places environmental protection at the centre, to which we contribute by creating quality and durable buildings through products formulated with innovative raw materials, recycled and developed to reduce energy consumption.
CAM, or Minimum Environmental Criteria, have been introduced in Italy, mandatory for projects in the public sector: Edmec products meet the requirements described in the protocol.

Be careful
There is only one planet, it is up to us to preserve it, thus guaranteeing a future for our children.

The raw materials we select are natural, and respect the environment even in the extraction process.

Our products remain in contact with the environment for many years: it is essential that they do not damage it.