Organic and highly breathable plaster for interiors and exteriors
based on natural lime certified UNI EN 459-1:2015.
CAM certified according to UNI ISO 14021/SGS.
Certificate n° 21.20408-1 (CEMENT-FREE PRODUCT).

I BIO is a highly biological, antibacterial and breathable base plaster.
The formula is designed with pure NHL lime certified to UNI EN 459-1:2015 standards, as well as river sand, marble dust
and pozzolana powder.
The natural raw materials inside are the same as from the ancient historical plasters present in archaeological sites around
the world which have demonstrated over the centuries that they can resist the degradation of time while maintaining the
underlying walls in excellent condition.
The I-BIO plaster gives unrivaled living comfort as its great breathability captures and retains the right amount of humidity
during daily needs, releasing it as soon as the temperatures rise or the rooms are ventilated, thus cyclically creating a
natural phase of regulation and purification of the air thanks also to its antibacterial power derived from natural lime.
The percentages of NHL lime, pozzolana and natural sands also guarantee notable resistance to humidity, salts, mold and