Bio smoothing compound based on NHL natural lime
certified UNI EN 459-1:2015 for civil finishing of highly
breathable and bio-compatible plasters for exteriors and
Available grain sizes: 0.8/1.2 mm
CAM certified according to UNI ISO 14021/SGS certificate
n° 21.20408-1.

RASA UNI BIO is a smoothing compound with a trowelled finish mainly made up of natural raw materials such as river sand,
marble dust, very fine pozzolana and NHL natural lime compliant with UNI EN 459-1:2015, to be used for finishing highly
breathable plasters and /or based on NHL natural lime such as our I BIO PLASTER, for external and internal applications in
compliance with CE EN 998-1 regulations.
Its Eco/Bio formulation composed of natural raw materials Made in Italy, classifies the product at the top of Italian
excellence, furthermore the NHL lime is produced with traditional coal methods.
The product has a very low content of volatile organic composites “VOC” which significantly increase comfort and quality of
life where applied.
The natural raw materials inside are the same as from the ancient historical plasters present in archaeological sites around
the world which have demonstrated over the centuries that they can resist the degradation of time while maintaining the
underlying walls in excellent condition.
Recyclable at the end of its life as inert and ideal in historical, eco-sustainable, LEED and green building projects.